Empowering Professionals to enhance their HAPPINESS, FULFILMENT and CONFIDENCE

Empowering Professional to enhance their HAPPINESS, FULFILMENT and CONFIDENCE

best life coaches adelaide



We are industry leading personal life coaches with collaboration friendly

and tailor-made solutions for everyone.

best life coaches adelaide



We are industry leading personal life coaches with collaboration friendly

and tailor-made solutions for everyone.

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Supporting professional Men that are

experiencing self doubt, procrastination

& overwhelm within their life to breakthrough

their personal & professional challenges

so that they can truly live a

happy, confident & fulfilling life

best women life coaches in adelaide and life coaches with couple therapy expert

Supporting professional Women

who are exhausted, experiencing groundhog day & have forgotten what it’s like to have fun….

to put THEMSELVES first,

ROCK their Confidence & Relationships…..

The FUN way!

Supporting professional Men that are

experiencing self doubt, procrastination

& overwhelm within their life to breakthrough

their personal & professional challenges

so that they can truly live a

happy, confident & fulfilling life

Assisting professional Women

Who are exhausted, experience Groundhog Day….and have forgotten what it’s like to have fun….

To put THEMSELVES first


ROCK their Confidence & Relationships…..The FUN way!

Develop a

Magnificent Mindset.

The belief that a life you love, filled with purpose and

clarity, is a privilege reserved for a select few.


Perhaps you've been led to think that living with passion and clarity is an inherent gift, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and resigned to a life lacking purpose.


But here's the unspoken truth: living a life you love, with purpose and clarity, is not just for the fortunate few.


It's a journey that can be embarked upon, a path that empowers you to become the architect of your destiny!


At Magnificent Mindset, we aim to break the myth that you must be born into a life of purpose and clarity.


We believe that these are attainable goals, forged through self-discovery and growth.


Our mission is to guide you along this transformative road, helping you uncover the boundless potential within, and unleashing the passionate, purpose-driven, and empowered individual that resides in you.

mindset coach adelaide to increases your confidence

You've likely encountered this challenge numerous times.

The belief that a life you love, filled with purpose and

clarity, is a privilege reserved for a select few.


Perhaps you've been led to think that living with passion and clarity is an inherent gift, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and resigned to a life lacking purpose.


But here's the unspoken truth: living a life you love, with purpose and clarity, is not just for the fortunate few.


It's a journey that can be embarked upon, a path that empowers you to become the architect of your destiny!


At Magnificent Mindset, we aim to break the myth that you must be born into a life of purpose and clarity.


We believe that these are attainable goals, forged through self-discovery and growth.


Our mission is to guide you along this transformative road, helping you uncover the boundless potential within, and unleashing the passionate, purpose-driven, and empowered individual that resides in you.

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What our clients have to say...

What our clients have to say...

Personal Success Coaching

personal success coaching and mentoring with  Mark and Monica

Weekly 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring with either Mark or Monica

  • Feel FREE from what's holding you back in life.

  • Gain a new perspective and see new possibilities.    

  • Build a new level of personal and professional confidence.

  • Step in to a prouder, bolder, braver version of yourself.


  • Realise your power, importance & self-worth.


  • Discover feeling fulfilled, connected & ALIVE again.

Relationship Coaching

relationship coaching and mentoring with  Mark and Monica

Weekly 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring with Mark & Monica

  • Experience a deep sense of connection, fun & adventure.


  • Bring back the playfulness you had when you first met.   

  • Build a deeper sense of trust that brings you closer.   

  • Shift from overwhelm & frustration to focus & clarity.    

  • New perspective on how

    to move through challenges.   

  • From Ham sandwich intimacy to gourmet.


business mindset coaching and business wellbeing with Mark and Monica

Self-Care, Mindset & Wellbeing

For businesses and Organisations

  • Teaching tools & Strategies for Self-Care and Wellbeing


  • Understanding how mindset impacts our wellbeing. 

  • Explore personality types and dynamics in the team.   

  • Leverage and highlight individual’s strengths.

  • Mark & Monica share their trials and tribulations.


  • Workshops tailored to needs & current challenges.

Personal Success Coaching

Weekly 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring with either Mark or Monica

  • Feel FREE from what's holding you back in life.

  • Gain a new perspective and see new possibilities.    

  • Build a new level of personal and professional confidence.

  • Step in to a prouder, bolder, braver version of yourself.


  • Realise your power, importance & self-worth.


  • Discover feeling fulfilled, connected & ALIVE again.

Relationship Coaching

Weekly 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring with Mark & Monica

  • Experience a deep sense of connection, fun & adventure.


  • Bring back the playfulness you had when you first met.   

  • Build a deeper sense of trust that brings you closer.   

  • Shift from overwhelm & frustration to focus & clarity.    

  • New perspective on how

    to move through challenges.   

  • From Ham sandwich intimacy to gourmet.


Self-Care, Mindset & Wellbeing

For businesses and Organisations

  • Teaching tools & Strategies for Self-Care and Wellbeing


  • Understanding how mindset impacts our wellbeing. 

  • Explore personality types and dynamics in the team.   

  • Leverage and highlight individual’s strengths.

  • Mark & Monica share their trials and tribulations.


  • Workshops tailored to needs & current challenges.

Meet Mark and Monica

personal success coaching and mentoring with  Mark and Monica

Mark and Monica met 20 years ago in Alice Springs when Monica was travelling as a backpacker.

They stayed in touch for a year over distance and fell in love via emails (Mark was very persistent hahaha)

Monica decided to move to Australia from Sweden and they got married shortly after

(crazy move right ;)

Yep, that’s a backyard wedding.....and there we are cutting the home made carrot cake right there :)

relationship coaching and mentoring with  Mark and Monica

And then our life took a turn for the worst...

personal success coaching and mentoring with  Mark and Monica

Mark was hiding a big secret from Monica that he was a functional drug addict. 

They made some poor career/business decisions which resulted in both of them being without an income shortly after their daughter was born 2009.

They had to borrow money and were given food from family as their relationship headed towards rock bottom........the situation really sucked.  

Monica was a chronic people pleaser and always put other peoples needs first.

This caused burnout several times from juggling full time work, starting up a new business all whilst trying to be a parent and wife (geez this can bring anyone to the ground)

Monica and Mark found coaching and were able to turn it all around...

Our story turned from darkness to light when we both started to see a personal coach.

We learned that our past doesn't need to define us, that it's ok to have big dreams and that we can become the best versions of ourselves!

And now, we are SO grateful to be

travelling around the world coaching and running workshops teaching others the same.

We have been featured in the press several times for changing other people’s lives.

We are frequently invited to podcasts to

share our story.

And one of the most amazing parts...

Several couples have also renewed their vows since working with us after being at the brink of divorce.

And so now... we are immensely passionate about helping people change their life's and the impact this has on everyone around them.

meet mindset coach in adelaide - mark and monica

So... Can a Coach Help Me?

Take the Quiz to Find Out

We all need someone to lean on from time to time so we can live a life worth living...

best life coaches in adelaide featured in News Corp Australia
best relationship coaches in adelaide featured in News Corp Australia

Just imagine... this could be YOU...

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Monica and Mark are Personal Success, Life and Relationship Coaches. They have mentored and assisted hundreds of people to shift their thinking to increase their happiness, fulfilment and confidence in all areas of their personal and professional life. They have a unique approach to sharing their trials, tribulations, vulnerabilities and adversities from divorce to drug addiction.


Address: Adelaide, South Australia


Monica: +61 439 883 815

Mark: +61 406 676 170

Mail: [email protected]

© Copyright 2023 Magnificent Mindset. All Rights Reserved.