About Us

Magnificent Mindset | About Us


Personal Success, Mindset and Relationship Coach

Hi, I am Monica and I am a Personal Success, Mindset and Relationship Coach.

I assist ambitious Women just like yourself to back and trust themselves, knowing they can handle anything that life throws at them. 

If you told me 10 years ago that I would be supporting women to back themselves no matter what, I would probably either have had a panic attack or just laughed out loud…..

You see, to most people I came across as a confident person but behind that mask was a lot of anxiety around my actual abilities.

I just got really good at hiding my insecurities with the attitude of “I’ve got my shit together” kinda vibe, which came across as quite intimidating…

I struggled to make meaningful relationships, especially with other women and I felt quite lonely wondering what the hell was wrong with me?

meet mindset coach in adelaide - monica

Assisting ambitious Women just like yourself to back and trust themselves...

I met the love of my life Mark, (my husband and business for the past 20 years) whilst backpacking in Australia and decided to move from Sweden to start a life here.

It was amazing to begin with (rose coloured glasses can be such a bliss hey)….. 5 years in to our marriage and becoming a mum, things started to turn.

We argued about money and sex (lack of…as becoming a mum killed my drive…) ALL the time and little did I know my husband was a functional drug addict.

As an attempt to save our marriage I started to search for anything that would get us out of our rut, and I came across life coaching.

You don't have to do this alone...

I started our business, and both my husband and I started working with coaches to help us back on track.

This helped us to change the way we think, what we believe and gave us the tools to communicate so we could fall back in love again.

This also gave me the confidence to truly step up as a leader, professional woman in business and mother, knowing anything is possible if I have the right mindset and guidance.

Are we the “perfect” couple, hell no hahaha…

We argue just like any other couple!.......We are just much better at solving problems a lot faster now instead of sweeping them under the rug..

Imagine having an inner knowing that no matter what, you can handle it...

Today I have learnt how to back myself and ask myself way better questions when I am facing a challenge, personally or professionally.

I have an inner knowing that no matter what, I can handle it.

This alone is worth it’s weight in gold!

I get such immense joy out of sharing my learnings with other likeminded women and pay it forward.

I know together we are creating ripple effects for generations to come <3

Outside of work:

I love dancing, shopping, food… geez I love food…and pretty cocktails!

Crossfit is my latest obsession.......I love a good challenge :)

Do I have big guns…..NO I still have spaghetti arms hahaha…

  • 15 years of coaching experience,

  • 10 years in business

  • NLP Practitioner

  • IICS Relationship Coach Accredited

  • Extended DISC (EDISC) profiler

  • International Coach Guild Accredited

  • 15 years in leadership

Voted #1 Best Life Coaches

by Best in Adelaide

I support professional Men like you to build rock solid foundations, exciting relationships, and a bloody purposeful life...

meet mindset coach in adelaide - mark


Personal Success, Mindset and Relationship Coach

Hey, I am Mark. I am a Personal Success, Mindset and Relationship Coach.

I support professional men like you to build rock solid foundations, exciting relationships, and a bloody purposeful life.  

Have I always been doing this, hell no…This has been a journey for me too, for sure!   

You are probably wondering if this is for you and if you can do this, and I 100% get that!

It can be very overwhelming and to be honest, it took me some convincing to face my truths and work on myself.......Us blokes can be funny like that hey…..... ;)  

I got caught as a 15 year old selling drugs at my high school, luckily they allowed me back.

I got divorced from my first wife and had to leave the family home and my 2 young children at the time, and…...man that sucked.  

Changing your life can be as simple as changing your mindset

If I had been dabbling in drugs up until then, well at this point it really took off big time, it was my way of coping through divorce……

We all do the best we can with what we know, I just want you to know that if that’s where you are at right now!  

To cut a long story short, shit had to change and many years later when I remarried I decided to come clean and change my life around.

I had been a functional drug addict for many years whilst working in corporate and running a business, and up until then and my wife had no idea I was a daily meth user……..coming out about my addiction to my wife was one of the scariest things EVER but had to be done…..

Assisting Men like yourself to experience a new perspective on life and reclaiming who you truly are as a Man...

This was the beginning of my new life and that’s what brought me here.

Assisting men like yourself to experience a new perspective on life and reclaiming who you truly are as a man.

Bringing a strong purpose and certainty.

To stand tall as a man, and be there for yourself and those around you in a way you never have been before.

Be that role model for your kids and that inner knowing you can handle any challenge with a “bring it on!!!” kinda attitude. 


Do I have my shit together all the time?

Absolutely not…

I am just a way better man than I used to be and I can rise up to challenges now and enjoy them, personally and professionally.

It's not about having your shit together, no-one has......

it's about starting...

Outside of Work:

These days I have swapped beers for coffee and crossfit is where I get my thrills (I bloody love it)

Gardening is my place where I rejuvenate and exploring new cafes with my family is the best. 

My family is everything to me!

Apparently I have more shoes than my wife & daughter combined.......but hey who's counting

  • 15 years of coaching experience,

  • 10 years in business

  • NLP Practitioner & Coach Accredited

  • IICS Relationship Coach Accredited

  • IICS Sports Mindset Coach Accredited

  • International Coach Guild Accredited

  • 15 years in leadership

Training & Recognition

life coach adelaide


Monica and Mark are Personal Success, Life and Relationship Coaches. They have mentored and assisted hundreds of people to shift their thinking to increase their happiness, fulfilment and confidence in all areas of their personal and professional life. They have a unique approach to sharing their trials, tribulations, vulnerabilities and adversities from divorce to drug addiction.


Address: Adelaide, South Australia


Monica: +61 439 883 815

Mark: +61 406 676 170

Mail: [email protected]

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